Students offered a night of studying and treats


Kyra Ringler

Students can take advantage of Cram & Cocoa in the library Thursday, Dec. 15 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Kyra Ringler, Heritage Reporter

With the first final approaching this Friday, many teachers have already started review games and other activities in their classes to prepare students for the jam-packed week ahead. Not only have some teachers given the students class time, but many are offering a study session Thursday night, a school-wide event called Cram & Cocoa. This will be the second year of Cram & Cocoa, where students are invited to come to their classes and review with their teachers and peers as well as drink hot cocoa.

While teachers are not required to be there Thursday, teachers who participated last year saw it as effective. English teacher Patrick Cormack welcomed his students last year to come in and ask questions and clear up any confusions they had before their final.

“Last year I just did questions and answers,” Cormack said. “Only three or four students showed up, but it worked for those kids who were here. It’s a great opportunity for those who take advantage of it.”

This night will also be helpful to students who are in AP or Honors courses. AP US History teacher Scott Hirons plans on being present Thursday night as well.

“I’m mostly doing it for my first hour students because they have one less day of review so I feel like I can equalize it like that,” Hirons said. “It’s a nice thing to do the night before for people to get a little extra help if they have questions I don’t mind helping them.”

Cram & Cocoa is this Thursday, Dec. 15 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and all students are welcome. Students may study in the library or in their teacher’s classrooms.