Paige Lambert
The game that gets personal
On October 4, 2019 there will be a football game played at the Shawnee Mission South High School Football Stadium. This isn’t just any other football game, this is the Shawnee Mission East Vs. Shawnee Mission South Homecoming football game. What is expected to be the highest attended and most hyped game of the year.
“The Stadium is expected to be full,” senior Dylan Bloom said.
Not only is this game for the players but it’s as personal for the fans too and even the school.
“The fans are a lot more intense, everyone is involved the entire game screaming and yelling,” Bloom said.
When asked about what it’s like to live in the Shawnee Mission East district and go to Shawnee Mission South, sophomore Blake Barnes said, “before high school I moved to the East district when I had been in the South district. I decided to stay in the South district because of the people and the culture of the school,” said Barnes. There is lots of controversy between these two schools students and its ready to be battled out on the football field. And as Barnes said, “East is for losers and South is for cool people.”