Students preparing for college throughout high school
If you need any extra information on colleges, then take a trip down the counseling halls. There is a board with many different colleges and college information on it. It gives students scholarships possibilities, ACT and college visit times. Next time you’re walking down the counseling hall take a look at the board.
November 16, 2017
Freshman year and senior year may seem far away from each other, but it is never too early to start preparing for college. There is always something students can do to help themselves prepare for that big step in their life. Taking important classes early can benefit students in the long run. If students spread work throughout four years then they will not be as stressed when senior year rolls around and they have to get ready for college.
“I am nervous about college but I know it is far away so I have time to get prepared,” freshman Makayla Worley said.
Students can do many things as freshmen to help get ready for college. Joining sports, clubs or groups will help improve social skills and show college admissions that you can make a commitment and stick with a group all through high school.
“To help myself get ready for college I looked up a bunch of different colleges,” senior Felicia Paolercio said, “and the acceptance rates and fees for colleges.”
If students need help getting prepared for college they can always visit the college counselor, Jasmin Morgan. Many different colleges visit the school every day. Using time in advisory could also help keep your high school career organized.
“Being close to home is very important to some students and community college is a lot cheaper than a full university,” Morgan said.
Most students apply to about three to five colleges, take the ACT and SAT about three times and wait until junior year to start focusing on college.
“Students do not need to know exactly what they want to major in when they start college,” Morgan said.
High school gives students time to think about what they want to do in college. College gives students more freedom but with more freedom comes more responsibility. It is important to stay focused in college and high school. Whether you want to go to a community college or a state university or whether you want to be close to home or far away. Spending high school time getting ready will make senior year easier and more fun.