Him: “Don’t worry I’m on the pill”
Male birth control is soon to be cleared by the FDA, but what does that really mean?
SMS student holds on to Mylan birth control. Researchers have studied different hormonal drugs with that singular purpose in mind.
April 8, 2019
A second trial of male birth control pills succeeded in preliminary testing last week and it suggested that a new form of contraception could eventually exist. The new “pill” works similarly to female contraception in its intended duties. It has passed all initial safety tests and produced hormone responses consistent with effective birth control in “30 or more men”, according to research presented by the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute and the University of Washington at the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting.
Research presented by the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute has also said, “In the new study, 30 healthy men ranging in age from 18 to 50 took a pill formulated with a mix of testosterone and progestin (a synthetic version of the female hormone progesterone) for 28 consecutive days.”
Because it’s in such a beginning and vital stage, it has not yet been submitted for approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but co-principal investigator Dr. Christina Wang, lead researcher at LA BioMed, said “it’s an important step toward effective, reversible male hormonal contraception and it will be a huge medical breakthrough. In females you have a lot of different options. You have the pill, you have the patch, you have the ring, you have devices, and injections,” Wang says. “In men there is nothing that is like hormonal contraception. The standard is not equal for the genders”
Though the opportunity for men to have the option to be sterile like women do, it creates a lot of worrisome issues as well. The hormonal issues as the main problem being cases have shown a testosterone block that creates a domino effect on the male. In the 2016 study. Unlike a 2016 male birth control trial that infamously stopped early because so many men complained of side effects, none of the men experienced serious problems, and no one stopped taking the drug because of side effects. But some did report minor symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, acne and decreased libido — none of which will surprise women who take birth control pills.
So although men might have the option in the future for a safe medically induced contraceptive, there is no officially verified option and no one knows how well it will be received when it is given the FDA’s approval.