Pippin Revival

South theatre’s upcoming musical production

Maddie Lillich

Pippin cast members rehearse for the show.

Ren Park, Culture Editor

Stephen Schwartz’s award-winning Pippin revival is alive and well in the theatre. 


Pippin is a thrilling show–the colorful revival of the original grim story by Roger O. Hirson. The latest version takes place in a circus, with bright sets, costumes, lights, and anything else that could be included in a performance of this scale. 


“When you have different scenery, you do the show differently,” Theatre Director Mark Swezey said. “The approach with choreography changed. The score changed. The ending changed.”


Swezey has directed Pippin three times before, with this being his fourth. Since the revival debuted in recent years, Swezey felt it was about time to bring the show back into the spotlight. Without spoiling any important details, Swezey noted that he loves the new ending because it gives the audience a different perspective than the previous ending without changing the theme.


“It’s about striving for greatness,” he said. “That’s Pippin’s journey in the show. What are you willing to do to be great at what you do to have a happy, fulfilled life?”


Pippin presents a challenge for the sound crew. With a revised score by Stephen Schwartz, the sound is more complex than before.


“We have a pit of 18,” sound crewhead Aiden Reynolds said, “so it’s a lot of making sure that every instrument is heard by the actors. Pit is the most technically challenging part of the musical, in my opinion.”


All the preparation is worth it for the impact that the show will have on its audience.


“I love it,” Swezey said. “I think it speaks to a lot of really great things for high school and college kids.”

Pippin opens on Wednesday, October 26 and runs through Saturday, October 29 with streaming on October 30. Tickets are available for purchase at smstheatre.com.