Homecoming was on October 5 in the aux gym at 7:30. This year’s theme was Woodland Waltz. Here are some behind the scenes on Student Council preparation for the Homecoming Dance.
Before last school year even ended, they were brainstorming ideas on what the Homecoming theme this year should be. StuCo member Gia-Dat Pham talked about the Woodland Waltz theme for this year’s Homecoming.
“We locked down this year’s theme because we wanted a kind of fantasy, forest, enchanted vibes but we didn’t want to go so fantasy because we already had done Wizard of Oz last year,” Pham said. “I didn’t want it to be super enchanted either because that gives Disney and we didn’t want to do Disney either so we came up with a Waltz theme.”
Student Co-class president Caitlin Wiseman says they meet up for work nights which are nights they use to make decorations and promote the dance on their socials, they meet up for a work night on September 26.

“The work night on the 26th we made decorations based on our pieces, organized all the things we bought off the internet into boxes so we are ready for Homecoming. We also set up the day of Homecoming” Pham said.
Since there is a larger StuCo this year they split up tasks for everyone to work on. “On the [September] 26 work night I was in the packaging group and another group of people were assigned on tablecloths, another group was assigned centerpieces, and another group was assigned to the parade,” Pham said.
Before the dance, freshman Mckenzie Morehead gave her input on what she expected her Homecoming experience to be.
“I want it to be extraordinary, if I’m going to be for real,” she said. “I want it to be awesome and want everyone to have a great mood. Like a ‘High School Musical’ moment.”