15 Questions with Alex Peters

Amanda Raymer, 21st Century Journalism Writer

15 Question With Alex Peters


Whether she travels on plane, car, train or bus Junior Alex Peters is always seeking new places to help expand her horizons.Peters has traveled all throughout America and is now ready to start her journey across the oceans of the world. As she discovers different cultures and societies she compares them to the life she knows. She has experienced sensations that most could only dream of and her list of places to visit grows each day. Her desire for new surroundings is beyond compare. With each adventure she gains an unforgettable story.There is a whole world out there and the vastness only intrigues her more. No matter where she goes Peters is determined to experience all of it’s beauty.



R-How has traveling affected your life?

P-It’s opened me up to completely new opportunities and the chance to not only learn about new cultures but experience them also.

R-How does traveling make you feel?

P-In one word I would say “happy”. I like to leave Kansas as often as I can because I find it pretty boring here

R-At what age did you realize you have a passion for traveling?

P-My first plane ride was when I was 7 months old, I went to Colorado to visit all my family who live there. For as long I can remember I have been traveling and its always been something i’ve loved.

R-Do you believe you have a wanderlust? When did you acquire such a strong love for travel?

P-Yes, and probably the first time I went to key west or London.The experiences were absolutely amazing.

R-If you had choose to live in one place for the rest of your life where would that be and why?

Probably Keywest because I really love the beaches and everyone there is kind and happy

R-Where will you be traveling this summer and which places are you most excited for?

P-I will be going to England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. I’m most excited for Ireland because I get to go on a witch hunt. In Wales I get to repel down castles,  in London I go to the house of parliament and get to see the largest catapult. I also get training in sword fighting which is really exciting.

R-What about your trip are you most nervous for? and how long will you be there?

P- I am leaving June 16 till July 4 so, two and a half weeks. I’m really nervous about having to stay with people i don’t know from completely different cultures. Since I am traveling through a program we have to do a homestay where i’m dropped off to live with an irish family for three days.

R-Do you have any anxiety in traveling and what would that be? Along the lines of terrorism or completely different surroundings.

P-I do get anxiety or freak out when i’m traveling over water cause I think I might die. Like when flying to London I kept thinking we might go down into the ocean. It scares me, just thinking about it, especially if my luggage went under I would never want to lose all my stuff.

R-What country would intimidate you the most when traveling alone?

P-Probably Mexico because they have some really bad gang and drug violence and my family are always scared we would get shot if we went.

R-Do you see yourself studying abroad after high school?

P-Yes, I think I would want to do a semester in college but i’m not sure where.

R-What would be your ideal way of transportation when traveling?

P-If i’m traveling with friends I would probably say in car but if it was with my parents no way. I fight a lot with my family in close confinement.

R-What do you want to experience or learn when traveling?

P-I like to see all the different cultures compared to the United States even though I love America and its food.

R-What would be the top five places you would want to visit?

P-Italy because I love Roman history, pizza,and pasta. Greece because they have really beautiful oceans there and history, LA because if you’re a teenager you have to go there its like a right of passage. I want to go to france for the eiffel tower and stuff and norway because I have future plans to buy it. Its like a lifelong dream, I really want to name it norwega so it will be norway mixed with my dogs name.

R-What two people would you want to travel with if you could and why?

P-Amanda Raymer and Emma Shenefield because they are my best friends

R-What cultures most intrigue you?

P-Well one thing about Hawaiians is that they really don’t like white people and it freaks me out and they also eat a lot of Spam which I think is really odd.