Review: Lloyd 2 The video game

January 22, 2016
“This is impressive for a high schooler.” – Ian Warshaw
The game Lloyd 2 created by senior Noah Meyer, greatly impressed me. I give it three and a half out of five stars. The mechanics of the game itself are actually very stable and accurate, The physics were greatly balanced and seemed realistic and made the game a good challenge. In comparison to Lloyd 1 the game mechanics are completely remastered.
The game is made in a program called Gamemaker Studio. The abilities of Gamemaker are a little bit limited to what I believe Meyer is capable of. I think that if Meyer continues with the creation of the Lloyd series he should use something more powerful like the Unity engine or something from the Nintendo framework.
Overall, my only complaint about the game itself is that the graphics could be more refined. I recommend Meyer either turns up the resolution of the game to produce better detail or get a designated artist to assist in the game’s creation. The animations of the graphics that are there are smooth and much improved from the previous version of Lloyd: however, the actual quality of the images and sprites could be better. The story and plot of the game is intriguing. I got lost in what was happening around the middle of the game, but in the end, I thought it was very well thought out and easy to follow.
I can tell there was a lot of time put into this game, not only the story but the mechanics as well. The controls were a bit weird to get used to at first since jump is the ctrl button. They make a lot of sense once you get to playing the game more and are quicker at reacting to things in the game.
For a game that was made by a high school student it is very well done and I was impressed at the improvements made from the original version of Lloyd. Well done and I recommend this game to anyone who wants something that is a little challenging and quick to play.
The game can be purchased from Meyer on his website