Senioritis has Spread
During fourth quarter many students catch a case of senioritis, finding it harder to focus on schoolwork. Photo Illustration by Madison Holloway
April 13, 2016
It’s second semester and we are all moving a little slower and procrastinating a little longer. These symptoms are typical in seniors who have contracted senioritis. But are seniors the only ones noticing a slump in their post-spring break work ethic?
No way. Senioritis has spread and students of all grades are feeling it. After that week on the slopes or sun-tanning in Mexico, school is the last thing on our minds. So returning to homework and sleep deprivation is a harsh reality check for many of us.
“By the end of the year, motivating myself to study for tests and finals becomes so much more difficult. And when I get home after practice, the last thing I want to do is study, “ sophomore Bethany Ward said.
So we all agree: second semester slump is a real issue. But, the truth is high school goes by fast and we can’t afford to waste a whole semester each year feeling sorry for ourselves. Seniors might get a little more tolerance on senioritis because they have already been accepted to colleges. But remember, colleges can and do change their minds, don’t let Netflix tell you that your senior paper is “not really that important.” And to the rest of us who have contracted a terrible case of senioritis: we have to remember that we are not seniors and we aren’t done here. I hate to sound like your parents, but we still have our futures to think about. There is still so much to learn and experience, let’s not waste the rest of our high school years complaining.
The only way to cure The Slump is to recognize that it is all in your head. While the symptoms may be real, the disease is man-made and can be prevented. Don’t worry, summer is not going anywhere. Soon we’ll all be sitting in our last final of the year, counting down the seconds. But we aren’t there yet. Don’t surrender to The Second Semester Slump, dig in, and finish this year with a bang.