Academics First seeks to encourage athletes to raise their grades
French teacher Rebecca Haden is tutoring in Room 373 after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
April 20, 2016
In another step in changing eligibility and bettering the education of South’s athletes, a new program called “Academics First” has been initiated.
The program provides tutoring to athletes who are not eligible, or who have an “F” in at least one of their classes. The athlete will have to visit tutors after school, an hour per failing class.
“I’ve seen improvement already,” athletic director John Johnson said.
The two tutors are French teacher Rebecca Haden in Room 352 and math teacher Melissa Graham in Room 373. Graham will be tutoring Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Haden will be tutoring Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Students will be tutored for an hour before their practices, and then join practice when they are done with their work, Haden says.
“It’s an opportunity to get the help they need,” Haden said.
The purpose of the program, Johnson says, is to get athletes back on track. However, the program isn’t just available for student-athletes. Any in-season and out-of-season athletes can participate, as well as any other students who need help with their academics.
“I think it’s going to be really successful,” Johnson said.
This program should help the school be more academic-centric while helping athletes thrive and pursue their passion.