Review: Frozen


 Anywhere from kindergartners to college students and parents have became obsessed and intrigued in the magic of the movie, Frozen. Despite seeming to be the typical Disney princess story, it’s an acceptable movie for boys/men to attend too. Dont worry! You won’t be judged in anyway. We are all watching for the same purpose, to engage in the life of Elsa and her sister in this open door fairytale, and sing along with Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, and the other characters song.

It was released Nov. 27 last year and has made almost a billion dollars worldwide so far. Many hold Frozen in the same regard as such classics as The Lion King and Toy Story.

Princess Anna is so relatable especially in her song, “For the First Time In Forever”  when Anna dreams of meeting her true love and wants to stuff some chocolate in her face. Come on. How relatable is that? Another song that has been trending, especially on snow days, “Do You Want to Build A Snowman?” while tears are flowing down your cheeks, thinking about how Princess Anna hopelessly wanted to spend time with her sister, Elsa, and how Elsa stands behind the tall wooden door alone, due to her freezing powers. When Elsa learns that she will be taking the power of Queen, she escapes to the mountains to create a mystical, icy forest of her own, leaving her with feelings of isolation. While singing, “Let It Go” on the mountain, she finally learns to accept her icy powers, and not care what people think about her.

It seems like people are singing “Let it Go” everywhere I go, and I’m completely fine with that. Idina Menzel’s or as John Travolta pronounced it “Adele Dazeem’s” magical vocals powered through the belt worthy lyrics easily making fans want to burst out and belt “LET IT GO.”

When watching this movie, you will/ have met the fun loving, Olaf the snowman, who ironically loves the summertime and will guarantee to give you a smile. Other side characters include, Marshmallow- the scary snow monster that Elsa builds. There’s also Kristof and his reindeer, Sven, as well as their “love expert” family, upbeat, and cheerful trolls.

Like all Disney Princess movies, Frozen tells the story of true love, but in a different way. I won’t  go into much detail about the surprise ending. I won’t go in much detail into it, what you expect to happen ends up to be the complete opposite. Before I watched the surprise ending on the big screen, there was a time, where I was angry; when Hans proposed to Anna after just meeting her 5 minutes earlier. They sang a song together but they weren’t ready to get married. It wasn’t reality, but I guess neither was Elsa having magical frozen powers.  There are so many movies with love stories, I wanted to see something different. I then realized that it was Disney’s way of making fun of all the other classic fairy tales.

Through this movie, they changed the real way that you envision true love. Plus, you will really want to spend more time with your sister, or if you don’t have a sister, you will  want a sister, like me.