Get Tipped for Black Friday


Rose Pollina, News Editor, Infographics Editor

It’s that time of year again. No I’m not talking about Christmas, but this “holiday” is just as anticipated: Black Friday. It’s time to once again take out your wallet, wait outside stores in ridiculously long lines and throw your elbows around to get that new game system or designer shoes that have been greatly reduced in price.

Getting the best deals can be tough and you’re not guaranteed to be able to get everything on your list. To help in your endeavors on Black Friday, preparation is key:

  • Preview Black Friday ads in advance. Look for items that may interest you.
  • Decide what you want to shop for.
  • Compare sale prices from different store’s ads. Even if Black Friday is all about spending try to reign it in where you can.
  • What is your dedication level? Are you someone who will camp outside the store, wait in line before it opens, or are you the sort that shows up after the worst of the crowds have passed? Dedication is key if you really want to get that specific item that you don’t feel complete without. Camping increases your chances of success while waiting and going after the crowds have lost most of it numbers decreases your chances.
  • Get friends and family on board. It’s a lot easier to brave the crowds and complete more of your list with some help.

The next problem you face is actually going out and shopping on the big day. Here are a few tips to help you keep your head above the water:

  • Stay strong. Black Friday only happens once a year so you likely won’t have to face the same level of pandemonium after it’s over until the next year if your choose to return.
  • Remember your manners. Just because everyone else is acting like savages over the merchandise does not mean you have to as well.
  • Be patient. The line will move eventually.


Also visit stores that don’t see a lot of attention on Black Friday like art and pet stores. They are far less populated than Best Buy or Target on that day and their sales can be just as good. Your pets would probably appreciate you picking up a treat for them.