Soles for Souls

NHS helps out kids in need in Guatemala


Kids from the orphanage wearing their new shoes.

Kate Anderson, Staff Writer

When NHS agreed to help junior AP English teacher Travis Gatewood assist an orphanage in need in Guatemala, he was more than grateful.  Since a shoe drive in December 2014, 22 pairs of shoes, roughly $500 worth, have been collected and sent to the small village of Quiche, Guatemala for children at the orphanage there.

Gatewood has had close connections with the orphanage since he adopted two girls from there.  He has seen the kids grow up and enjoys visiting them when he can.

“It’s been nice to keep that connection with them over the last couple years,” Gatewood said.

2014 was the first year for the shoe drive but in the past there have been different projects depending on the needs at the orphanage.  Gatewood reached out to Molly Fast, the NHS supervisor, for help.  In the past, NHS has put together small care packages with toothpaste and other personal care items.  This was the first time the orphanage had requested items such as shoes.

Members of NHS are required to submit 15 hours of community service each semester.  This can be achieved by leading community projects and helping out around the community.  The NHS organization use their moral and intelligent gifts to give back in the community and even in far places like Quiche, Guatemala.