A Night in London

A Night in London

Autumn Mock, Features Editor

It’s that time of year again, when girls are buying long colorful dresses and making nail and hair appointments, and guys are renting tuxes and reaching into the depths of their creativity to find an original way to ask their date. What may cause all this sudden chaos? Prom. Prom is this Saturday, and while many may not be totally prepared quite yet, it’s approaching quickly.

Prom is open to juniors, seniors, and the few underclassmen who get asked by an upperclassmen. It is this Saturday, May 3, at Union Station from 8:30-11:30 pm. Also, tickets are on sale this week during lunches and in the library from Debi O’Brien for $30 each.

Each year the junior class officers undertake the task of putting on this giant event. Juniors Rachael Ashcraft, Isabel Holcomb and Natalie Warshaw have spent several seminars working out all the details for Prom.

“We looked through a bunch of catalogs to pick the theme, designed the tickets, and met with a decorator to talk about the different decorations for the actual dance,” Warshaw said.

Many catalogs and ideas later the junior officers decided on A Night in London as the theme of Prom this year.

“We wanted to do a theme of some place around the world, and we didn’t want to do Paris because we thought it was too cliché. And nobody ever really does London. Plus, London is a pretty cool city,” Warshaw said.

Prom is often looked forward to by many underclassmen because it is different from the other annual dances such as Homecoming and WPA. Instead of having the dance in the auxiliary gym it is held at Union Station, and rather than the typical short dress girls wear and suits guys wear, they often reach for long gowns and tuxes for this event.

Prom is approaching quickly so be sure to grab some tickets this week for an unforgettable night in London.