The Middle to High School Transition Q&A
What it’s like being a freshman

October 10, 2015
Going from middle to high school is a very stressful leap for many ninth graders. Shawnee Mission South Freshman, Ashley Hays gave her intake on really how big of a deal it was to become one of the new kids at a school where you don’t know anyone like you used to back at Indian Woods.
Q:What was the transition from middle to high school like?
A:Gosh, that’s so hard how many questions are there? I was expecting more of like a bigger change it’s like really different but not as bad as expected, a good transition, and pretty easy.
Q:What so far is your favorite thing about high school you didn’t have in middle school?
A:Probably the longer class periods and the block days that we had to get more time to do stuff.
Q:Is it easy to make friends with the upperclassmen? Why?
A:Yes it can be, but all you have to do is talk to them it isn’t that hard!
Q:What would be one tip you would have for the current eighth graders?
A:Study for tests, get your work done, do your homework.
Q:What is your favorite class? Why?
A:Drama because it’s a good class to be able to interact with people and get to know other people that have the same interests as you.
Q:Are your peers now more friendly than your middle school peers?
A:Of course it’s easier to have people younger than you but being a freshman is different but i mean it’s fine.
Q:Do you have to work harder to receive good grades?
A:Yes. As you get older the classes get more challenging. The classes get harder yes.
Q:Do you think you will change over the course of high school, why?
A: I think I will get more involved with sports, theatre, etc.
Q:Where do you see yourself in four years?
A:I am going to go to college, KU, and become a pediatrician
Q:What activity do you most want to get involved in?
A:Probably want to do a lot of the musicals and plays, all things theatre.
Q:What are you most excited for this upcoming year?
A:Probably meeting new people and finding new interests.
Q:What is the biggest thing you have learned about high school so far?
A:You HAVE to stay on top of things and nothing else.
Q:What is your biggest fear for high school?
A:Probably just being unmotivated to be involved in things.
Q:If you could ask the upperclassmen one question, what would it be?
What does it feel like to be the cool, older, kids at school?