Prom Week Reminders

Prom is fast approaching, so here are some last minute reminders for the weekend.


Kate Anderson, A&E Editor

The most telling sign of a fast-approaching end of the year is Prom. This Saturday is South’s junior/senior prom. It will be held at Union Station from  8 p.m. to 11 p.m. All this week, you can buy tickets during lunch for $30 each. Remember: all guests need tickets and South students need their ID.  If you are bringing an outside guest, pick up a guest form from the front office.  These forms need to be returned by Thursday to the office.

The year’s last Spirit Week is upon us.  The remaining days include Wednesday as safari day, Thursday as “Would you still be friends with me if I wore this?” day and finishing out the week is green and gold Friday. Participate in South’s last spirit week of the year and get creative!