A Bobbly Face

Regina Yan, Writer

A new face greets students in the front lobby, his head moving up and down as students walk by. He’s dressed in military uniform attire, complete with combat boots, a wide-brimmed tricorne hat, and a large old-fashioned rifle. No, this is no life-threatening intruder; this is South’s mascot Rocky the Raider in the form of a miniature bobblehead. These figurines cost $5 each, and the money is used to create “Memory Books” for the seniors in the Interpersonal Skills class.

“Memory books are made from pictures taken on Community Based Instruction Outings for the class,” IPS teacher Libby Cole said. “Many of our students are working on developing better social skills in the community, and our cadets work with them to learn and practice those skills both in class and in the community.”

The memory books are a tradition for the IPS class and feature photos of various activities and events that have occurred throughout the year.

“Often the main yearbook doesn’t have as much meaning to our special education students as they might to other students,” Cole said. “But, memory books of the trips they have taken mean much more to them and their parents.  It gives them a more personalized photo review of their experiences”

The figurines were provided to the class by administrators Michael Rasmussen and Nicholas Platko. The students have sold over 50 figurines and, along with some donations, the IPS class will have the funds to create their memory books.

“I think the sale was a success,” IPS teacher Julie Hochler said. “We have lots of bobbleheads left over for kids to sell next year. It was a fun project for them, and I think they’ll really enjoy the Memory Books, too.”

Contact Cole or Hochler to purchase a bobblehead.