Save Christmas For After Thanksgiving

Ansley Chambers, Opinion Editor & Copy Editor

At last, Thanksgiving has passed and it’s time to truly get into the Christmas spirit. However, for many people, it’s been Christmas time for months. I am here to give an oh-so-warm and heart-felt “thank you” to all those wonderful humans who have made me sick of Christmas music – before December.
I think we can all agree that Christmas is by far one of the best holidays. Even if you don’t celebrate the birth of Christ yourself, or you do, but won’t connect the religious aspect to it, you can feel the loving shift of the atmosphere around our city as we near closer to Dec. 25. No matter what winter holiday you celebrate, you’ve got to admit that the lights are gorgeous, “Christmas Vacation” is a hilarious movie and “Jingle Bell Rock” contributed to one of the most iconic scenes of “Mean Girls.”
On the other hand, it’s hard to find a holiday as overlooked as Thanksgiving. Sure we all get to eat until we’re beyond stuffed, but everyone feels sick after. And for vegetarians, vegans or picky-eaters like myself, we’re sick from starvation. There are no good Thanksgiving songs or movies. You can’t really decorate for the occasion besides putting fake leaves and cornucopias in your home. To be honest, it’s an excuse to have a week off of school under the guise of the pilgrims and Native Americans becoming “friends.” (Although we all know how that really turned out. Here’s to you, Andrew Jackson.) Let’s all admit that Thanksgiving is incredibly inferior to Christmas.
With this said, blasting Christmas music before your grandparents and cousins debate politics over a plate of dry turkey and mashed potatoes is unacceptable. From Black Friday to Christmas Day, I would like to listen to nothing but “A Holly Jolly Christmas” and I don’t even care if it’s Burl Ives or Lady Antebellum, as long as it’s not before Thanksgiving. (Some would even argue that it’s unacceptable until Dec. 1.) If I have to listen to Mariah Carey singing that all she wants for Christmas is me a day before Black Friday, I may have to kill the woman. The song puts me in the holiday spirit better than anything; however, due to its irritatingly annoying nature, my ears can only handle so much of it before I lose all my holly jolly marbles. I want to be as festive as possible for the month of December, but if I experience “Feliz Navidad” burn-out before Dec. 25, then all of you overly-eager-Christmas-music-listeners are to blame.
Next year, save the holiday playlist for after Thanksgiving – think of the day as a pre-Christmas, the official start to the Christmas season. Do not ruin my holiday joy before Dec. 25 – again. Please, I’m begging you.