Pumpkin Patch Poetry Festival

Annalie Polen, Reporter

The opportunity to see people of all kinds speak their mind can be held at the pumpkin patch poetry slam. Bring your soccer players, your actors, your writers and your football players and see them as they write about stereotypes, racism, love and even hot dogs. Freshman Avigail Blacksmith performed both a song and a poem. She felt that the poetry is important because it allows you to express your feelings.

“I really love what I am doing and I really like my teacher Mrs. Ewing, she pushes you to keep going and do what you feel comfortable doing,” Blacksmith said.

Senior Kice Mansi also took part in the poetry festival.

“The poetry festival gives students the opportunity to express themselves, it’s just a fun environment, and you get to hear some cool poems,” Mansi said.

His poem is a group piece about just hanging out with his friends.

“I’m in Mrs. Ewing’s lab and she said that I have to perform a poem and I wouldn’t do it without the boys,” Mansi said.

Caroline Ewing, the creative writing teacher, is a major reason these writers are given a platform to perform and encourages that people try performing.

“Anytime you get up in front of people and you try to tell your truths, microspectively it changes you as a person just a little bit and you’re that much more confident. Also everybody deserves an opportunity to be heard,” Ewing said.

The importance of the slam can speak beyond the poems.

“I think it’s a chance for the school to come together and get on the same page just for an hour or even for just for one poem. When everyone’s listening and somebody is up there trying to speak their message there’s just the electricity that you can really only find at poetry slams,” Ewing said.